Fairhall lab and Columbia University researchers join forces on groundbreaking study tracking dopamine in birdsong learning
When we learn a new skill, we often get feedback [...]
When we learn a new skill, we often get feedback [...]
Assistant Professor in Bioengineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering Amy [...]
UW Computational Neuroscience Center (CNC) is excited to announce the [...]
The synaptic connectivity of neurons is fundamental [...]
Research Associate Professor of Psychology and eScience Institute Data Science [...]
The CoNeCTome, the 16th annual retreat of the computational and [...]
We are excited to congratulate two CNC trainees who have [...]
Congratulations to Sven Dorkenwald, one of our Shanahan fellows, who [...]
Applications for the Shanahan Undergraduate/Postbaccalaureate fellowships are now being accepted [...]
CNC welcomed three Shanahan Foundation Fellows in 2023. Click [...]