

Blaise Agüera y Arcas Google & Affiliate Faculty, UW Computer Science & Engineering Machine intelligence
Wyeth Bair Biological Structure Computer modeling of visual cortical circuits
Bing Brunton Biology Data-driven, low-dimensional dynamic models of neuronal networks
Michael Buice Allen Institute for Brain Science & Affiliate faculty, UW Applied Mathematics Machine intelligence and network dynamics
Howard Chizeck Electrical Engineering Control of disease through neural implants
Zaid Harchaoui Statistics statistical machine learning
Christof Koch  Allen Institute for Brain Science & Affiliate faculty, UW Biology Biophysics of computation; neural correlates of consciousness
Adrienne Fairhall
Physiology & Biophysics Adaptive neural coding
Matthew Golub Computer Science & Engineering Machine learning and systems neuroscience
Nathan Kutz Applied Mathematics Nonlinear dynamics and dimensionality reduction
Stefan Mihalas Allen Institute for Brain Science & Affiliate faculty, UW Applied Mathematics Biological circuits and neural coding
Ulises Pereira-Obilinovic Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics Data-drive theories of biological learning
Rajesh Rao Computer Science & Engineering Computational modeling and brain-computer
Ariel Rokem eScience Institute Neuroinformatics
Eric Shea-Brown
Applied Mathematics Nonlinear dynamics in neural computation
Ali Shojaie
Biostatistics Statistical methods for analysis of complex systems
Andrea Stocco Psychology and ILabs Cognitive neuroscience
Eli Shlizerman Electrical Engineering Dynamical models of neural processing
Uygar Sümbül Allen Institute for Brain Science Modeling of neuronal cell types
Edgar Walker Physiology & Biophysics representation of sensory stimuli
Daniela Witten Biostatistics Big data in neuroscience

Experimental Affiliates

Sama Ahmed Psychology Neural circuit interactions and behavioral multitasking/td>
Michele Basso Physiology & Biophysics/Biostructure Neuronal circuits of decision-making in health and disease
Geoff Boynton Psychology Functional imaging of vision
Astra Bryant Physiology & Biophysics Thermosensory abilities of parasitic nematodes
Beth Buffalo Physiology & Biophysics Learning, memory and navigation in primates
Jeremiah Cohen Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics Decision making in dynamic environments
Forrest Collman Allen Institute for Brain Science Molecular connectivity of neural circuits
Nikolai Dembrow Physiology and Biophysics Neuromodulation and Dendritic Integration in the Neocortex
Angela Fang Psychology Neuroendocrinology
Ione Fine Psychology Encoding models for visual prostheses
Anna Gillespie Biological Structure Network mechanisms of memory dysfunction in aging and Alzheimer’s
David Gire Psychology Neural circuit mechanisms of sensory processing and decision-making
Bertil Hille Physiology & Biophysics Biophysics of neuronal signal transduction
Greg Horwitz Physiology & Biophysics Cortical color processing
Adrian KC Lee Speech and Hearing Sciences,
Auditory attention, Magnetoencephalography, Brain-Computer Interfaces
Sheri Mizumori Psychology Learning and Memory
Chet Moritz Rehabilitation Medicine,
Physiology & Biophysics
Neuroprostheses for brain and spinal cord injury
Scott Murray Psychology Visual neuroimaging

Amy Orsborn
Bioengineering Neural engineering of the CNS
Anitha Pasupathy Biological Structure Neurobiology of visual shape processing
David Perkel Biology, Otolaryngology Neural mechanisms of vocal learning
Steve Perlmutter Physiology & Biophysics Motor control, neural plasticity, neuroprostheses for spinal cord injury
Cindy Poo Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics Population dynamics and cell type-specific mechanisms of perception, cognition and flexible behavior
Nino Ramirez Neurosurgery
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Neural control of rhythmic activity
R. Clay Reid Allen Institute for Brain Science encoding and processing in neural networks of the vision system
Fred Rieke Physiology & Biophysics Sensory signal processing in the retina
Jeff Riffell Biology Neuroecology and chemosensation
William Spain Physiology & Biophysics Biophysics of neuronal computation
Nick Steinmetz Biological Structure Neural circuits that underlie cognition and perception
Karel Svoboda Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics Information processing in neural circuits
John Tuthill Physiology & Biophysics Neural coding of mechanosensation and motor control
Yan Wang Psychology and Biology Neurobiology of aging, senescence and death

Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad
Bioengineering Optogentics, neurorehabilitaiton, stimulation-based therapies