International Network for Bio-Inspired Computation
Mini-workshop on State-Dependent Computation

Center for Neurotechnology, CSE2 382
Neural processing and brain representations are strongly dependent on state, in many senses: on recent experience, on global states such as arousal and motivation, and on current behavioral goals.
The goal of this mini workshop is to share ideas about how neural architecture causes these state changes and how state dependence contributes to neural computation.
Thursday, November 17
9:30am Alain Destexhe seminar, (HSB 328) “Awake perception is associated with dedicated neuronal assemblies in cerebral cortex“
Remaining talks in CSE2 382
11:00 am short talks from researchers, including Alain Destexhe, Jeremiah Cohen, Garret Stuber, and Nick Steinmetz
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm additional short talks
1:30 pm Round table discussion
2:00 pm Small group conversations, coffee
Register to attend by November 14 here.