The Neural Computation and Engineering Connection is an annual symposia hosted by the CNC, featuring talks from invited speakers, UW faculty, and postdocs, as well as a poster session and panel on neuroethics.
2023 NCEC was held on May 11-12, 2023. Speakers included Sara Solla, Gautam Reddy, Emily Jane Dennis, Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Sama Ahmed, Anna Gillespie, Astra Bryant, Cindy Poo, and Zaid Harchaoui.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
UW Gates Center for Computer Science and Engineering (CSE2)
Zillow Commons & Singh Gallery (4th floor)
11:00a-12:15p Poster session and lunch (provided), Singh Gallery
12:15p-12:30 Welcome, Zillow Commons
12:30-12:50pm “The effects of visual crowding on shape processing in the macaque area V4”
Taekjun Kim, Acting Assistant Professor, Pasupathy Lab
12:50-1:10pm “Quantifying internal model learning in monkeys using a novel continuous tracking task”
Katherine Perks, Neuroscience graduate student, Orsborn Lab
1:10-1:30pm “Graph diffusion modeling to estimate neural communication with high temporal resolution”
Felix Schwock, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science graduate student, Yazdan-Shahmorad lab
1:45-2:05pm “Probing communication between visual and frontal areas in the awake behaving macaque”
Erin Kempkes, Postbac Research Scientist Pasupathy lab
2:05-2:25pm “Learning hierarchical temporal representations through dynamic predictive coding”
Preston Jiang, Computer Science graduate student, Rao lab
2:25-2:45pm “Spiral waves are coordinated topographically across cortical and subcortical brain areas”
Zhiwen Ye, Acting Assistant Professor, Steinmetz lab
2:45-3:00pm Break
3:00-3:30pm "Statistical machine learning for the modeling of functional connectivity"
Zaid Harchaoui, UW Statistics
3:30-4:30pm “Neuroscience as the basis for human computer interaction”
Keynote lecture: Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Google
4:30-4:45pm Break
4:45-5:30pm Ethics panel discussion, presented by Interactive Intelligence
Friday, May 12, 2023
UW Husky Union Building (HUB) Room 145
8:30-9:00am Continental breakfast
9:00-10:00am “From the wild to the lab: how house mice hunt for prey”
Emily Jane Dennis, Janelia Research Campus
10:00-10:30am "The neural basis of temperature-driven host seeking in a human-infective parasitic nematode"
Astra Bryant, UW Physiology and Biophysics
10:30-10:50am Break
10:50-11:20am "Moving and Grooving: A Closer Look at Multitasking Drosophilids"
Sama Ahmed, UW Psychology
11:20-11:50am "Exploring the function and therapeutic potential of hippocampal replay"
Anna Gillespie, UW Biological Structure & Lab Medicine and Pathology
12:00-1:10pm Lunch (provided)
1:10-2:10pm “Physical and algorithmic aspects of olfactory navigation"
Gautam Reddy, Harvard University
2:10-2:50pm Industry Careers and Collaborations
Panel discussion moderated by NeuroTec
2:50-3:10pm Break
3:10-3:40pm “Olfactory navigation and foraging”
Cindy Poo, Allen Institute for Brain Science
3:40-4:40pm “Low Dimensional Manifolds for Neural Dynamics”
Keynote lecture: Sara A Solla, Northwestern University
4:45-6:15pm Reception