

New graduate certificate program

UW graduate students from any degree program who are pursuing projects in computational neuroscience are invited to apply to join the Graduate Certificate Program in Neural Computation and Engineering.  This program has a few coursework and other requirements and will provide students with annotation on their degree as well as mentoring and access to social and other events.  

The dynamic brain!

A new method to segment brain regions by their connectivity.. examining how particular cell types participate in the cortical "chorale".. new open-source tools to help visualize how brain regions are connected.. a data-driven model to capture how information is transformed between layers in visual cortex: these are a sampling of some of the student team projects presented on the final day of the 2016 Workshop on the Dynamic Brain. Held at UW’s beautiful [...]

Seminar: Kendrick Kay (March 11, 2016)

Friday, March 11, 2pm, Data Science Seminar Room, 6th floor Physics/Astronomy Tower Dr. Kendrick Kay, Assistant Professor, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University Minnesota “A fully computable model of stimulus-driven and top-down effects in high-level visual cortex”

UW hosts CRCNS meeting

In the last week of September, UW hosted the 2015 meeting of the recipients of NSF Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience grants. These awards support theorists working with experimentalists to develop and test theories of brain function.  Talks covered topics as diverse as models of sequence learning in hippocampus, network instantiations of neural integrators and deciphering whole-brain representations of natural speech.  Plenary speakers were Anne Churchland, from Cold Spring Harbor Labs, describing her [...]

Brains in the cloud

Our Computational Neuroscience graduate alum, Jeremiah Wander, will be returning to UW this Thursday to join a Biosciences Careers panel discussing careers in technology. After graduating from Bioengineering with a thesis under the supervision of Rajesh Rao, Miah joined Desney Tan at Microsoft Research. Desney has been a long-time affiliate of the CSNE and of computational neuroscience at UW and Miah is working on projects in robotics.  In the Thursday careers panel, Miah [...]

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