New WRF sponsored UW Institute for Neuroengineering
The Washington Research Foundation has awarded funding for a new Institute for Neuroengineering at UW, starting in July 2014. The new Institute, UWIN, is aimed at bridging fundamental research in brain mechanisms with technological outcomes, and will be directed by Tom Daniel and Adrienne Fairhall.
Deadline approaching for Allen/UW Summer School
The deadline for applications to the Allen/UW Summer School on the Dynamic Brain is closing on April 1: get your applications in!
Two undergraduates have been awarded the Presidential Medal
Michelle Drews and Bethanny Danskin, of the Computational Neuroscience undergraduate program, have both been awarded the Presidential Medal. Congratulations!
2012 Graduate Student Appointees
Announcing the new graduate student appointees for 2012: Alison Duffy (Physics) will be working jointly with David Perkel and Adrienne Fairhall; Jason Webster (Psychology) is working with Ione Fine, and David Leen (Applied Mathematics) is working under the supervision of Eric Shea-Brown.
First training grant graduate students appointed
Congratulations to our first graduate students appointed to the training grant, Guillaume Lajoie (Applied Math), Tim Oleskiw (Applied Math), Dina Popovkina (Neurobiology and Behavior) and Jeremiah Wander (Bioengineering).
Undergraduate computational neuroscience students complete their first quarter
Twelve undergraduate students majoring in Neurobiology, Applied and Computational Mathematics or Physics have just completed their winter quarter where they participated in a new section of NBIO 301 that was supplemented by an introductory course in mathematical and computational approaches to single cell biophysics, dynamics and coding. These students will be joining research labs in Spring 2012.