We are happy to announce the new graduate trainees in the Computational Neuroscience Program.
Yoni Browning, working in the Buffalo and Fairhall labs, is working on primate navigational strategies and their representation in hippocampus using virtual reality environments. Yoni is a graduate of the UW undergraduate computational neuroscience program. He will be cofunded by UW Institute for Neuroengineering.
Kaitlyn Casimo, working with neurosurgeon Jeff Ojemann, works on the measurement and characterization of ECoG signatures of resting state activity. Kaitlyn is also cofunded by the UW Institute for Neuroengineering.
Phil Mardoum, a graduate of the University of Chicago’s computational neuroscience program, will be working with Fred Rieke and Rachel Wong on optimal filtering by synapses in the retina.
Joris Vincent, who will work with Steve Buck on computational models of lightness perception, is a graduate of University College Utrecht with a background in neuroscience and psychology.