

Dispatch from Friday Harbor

We are well into the second week of our new summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain, co-hosted by the UW Computational Neuroscience program and the Allen Institute for Brain Science. The course is held at Friday Harbor Labs, UW's exquisitely beautiful "science camp" on the forested shores of San Juan Island.  This course has a very distinct flavor compared with other computational neuroscience courses: it is structured around the data being produced by the Allen Institute. Twenty-four [...]

Karl in Germany

Undergraduate computational neuroscience student Karl Marrett is conducting research this summer through the CSNE funded Brain Links - Brain Tool Summer Exchange.   He is forming a collaboration between his current lab  at UW, led by Adrian "KC" Lee, which has a focus in auditory brain science and Michael Tangermann's lab at the University of Freiburg that specializes in machine learning and brain computer interfaces.

Brain University

Announcing a new public lecture series that will run next quarter, featuring outstanding scientists from UW and the Computational Neuroscience Program in particular. This should be a great series!

Class of 2014

Congratulations to our computational neuroscience graduates of 2014, and their mentors! Many of our students will be staying on for an additional year to take extra classes and continue working in labs. Pictured here: Front-- Teresa Jiang (Moody lab), Thida Myint (Spain lab), Nivretta Thatra (Perkel and Brenowitz labs), Phanith Touch (Neitz lab), Karl Marrett (Lee lab). Back-- Matt Summers (Rieke lab), Lars Crawford (Bair lab).

Sloan-Swartz meeting on campus in June

The schedule for the 2014 Sloan-Swartz meeting, to be co-hosted on the UW campus by the UW Comp Neuro Program and the Allen Institute for Brain Science, is now available. Locals are encouraged to register to attend, although numbers may be limited. Present a poster!

Alice Bosma-Moody off to Austria

Undergraduate computational neuroscience student Alice Bosma-Moody has been awarded one of only 20 summer internships selected from a pool of 900 applicants to undertake research at the Institute for Science and Technology Austria, located in Klosterneuburg.  She will be working in the lab of Dr Calin Guet, who studies synthetic biology in genetic networks. Congratulations Alice!

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