

Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain 2019 – applications now open!

The Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain is co-hosted by the Computational Neuroscience Program at the University of Washington and the Allen Institute for Brain Science. The course is directed by Drs. Michael Buice, Shawn Olsen, Christof Koch, and Eric Shea-Brown. This intensive two-week, project-based interdisciplinary course aims to give advanced students in neuroscience, biology, physics, engineering, and computer science a rapid introduction to the current state of understanding of the neurobiology of [...]

2019 Neural Computation and Engineering Connection

The 2019 Neural Computation and Engineering Connection (NCEC) will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, January 24, 2019 and all day Friday, January 25, 2019. NCEC brings together the University of Washington neuroengineering and computational neuroscience communities in an exciting and stimulating event!  It is sponsored by the UW Institute for Neuroengineering (UWIN), the UW Computational Neuroscience Center, and the Center for Neurotechnology. Keynote speakers for NCEC 2019 are: Mitra Hartmann (Northwestern), Abby Person (University of Colorado Denver), Andrea Behrman (University of [...]

Swartz Center Seminar Series kicks off with visit from Anne Collins

This past week, UW CNC was thrilled to host Anne Collins as our first official '18-'19 Swartz Center visitor. Anne is an Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley in the department of Psychology, and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. Her lab's research focuses on building and testing computational models of the brain's processes for learning and decision making. During her visit, Anne met with CNC faculty members and trainees, and gave [...]

New Graduate Students Appointed to the Computational Neuroscience Training Program

We are thrilled to announce our new graduate appointees to the Computational Neuroscience Training Grant. From an extremely competitive application pool, two students were selected. They will receive two years of NIH-supported funding to support their research in theoretical neuroscience. Dennis Tabuena is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience, and is mentored by Bill Moody in the Biology department. His work focuses on the role of sleep in regulating early synchronous activity in the [...]

Adree Songco-Aguas wins poster award at CNS

Congratulations to CNC Undergraduated Fellow Adree Songco-Aguas on being awarded a poster award at the Computational Neuroscience Society meeting, which took place last week in Seattle. She presented on "Modeling rod-cone parallel processing in the retina." Adree presents a similar poster at the FASEB meeting. Adree is a recent Neurobiology graduate. The CNC Computational Neuroscience Undergraduate Training Program was able to support Adree's work in the lab of Fred Rieke. Following [...]

Adrienne Fairhall appointed to BRAIN Initiative Working Group 2.0

CNC co-director and Professor of Physiology and Biophysics Adrienne Fairhall was recently appointed to the BRAIN Initiative's Advisory Committee to the Director Working Group 2.0. The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative was announced in April 2013, as part of the White House Neuroscience Initiative. The primary objective of the initiative is the development of new tools and technologies to understand and manipulate neural circuits,  with the ultimate goal of revolutionizing [...]

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